1.Registration for Qualification Test
1.1. The Qualification Test (Exam) is open for everybody, regardless of age, education, and English language level. Candidates are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the exam format in advance, as some issues may cause some difficulties for candidates of certain age groups or language skills.
1.2. Registration for Qualification Test can be both individually and as agreed via the school / training center, in which candidates are preparing for the exams at Cambridge University.
1.3. In some cases, candidates with temporary or permanent physical disabilities may be given special conditions. On the possibility of providing such conditions can be obtained from the Executor.
2.Refusal from Qualification Test passing.
2.1. If for reasons of health candidate may not participate in the examination for which he registered, in order to obtain compensation in accordance with the terms of the Contract, he will be obliged to provide a medical certificate not later than 5 (five) working days after the exam. In any other cases, including the date of the Cambridge exams matching with the dates of other candidate exams, such as (admission, graduation, etc.), no compensation will be made.
2.2. The level change (for example, from KET to PET) or session period (for example, from June to December) are not allowed.
3.1. To be eligible for Qualification test the candidates of 16 years old are required to carry an identity card / passport.
3.2. During Qualification Test Candidates are strictly prohibited:
- To use electronic means of communication (mobile phones, pagers, etc.), computers;
- Talk to other candidates;
- Be in possession and / or use all types of cribs;
- Disturb another candidate;
- Use audio and video recording devices.
3.3. Photographing of Candidates is performed on the day of exams for authentication of Qualification Test results. Photos of Candidates are placed on the site of Cambridge University site. Test day photos are mandatory for B2 First, C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency.
4.Results and certificates
4.1. Forms of results contain a general assessment, as well as the ratios scale of the individual parts.
4.2. The decision of the University of Cambridge on the results is final.
4.3. All candidates' responses are the property of the University of Cambridge and cannot be returned.
4.4. Cambridge University accepts two types of appeals:
a) Phase 1, the technical verification of the accuracy of put results (paid service);
b) Phase 2, re-evaluation of written work involving the expert (paid service). Phase 2 is carried out at the request after receiving the results of phase 1. Appeals are accepted after the exam results issue online on www.candidates.cambridgeesol.org within a half to three months depending on the exam and phase of appeal. Information about the procedure and deadlines for appeals on each exam is available at the test center on request.